We tailor-made our services to suit your needs
UniPacific Corporate Services Sdn Bhd (Co.No.688525-K)
UniPacific Tax Services Sdn Bhd (Co.No.273402-U)
UniPacific Consultancy Sdn Bhd (Co.No.554579-K)
Solid Delta Consultancy Sdn Bhd (Co.No.811330-P)
Since 1993, we have been in the business of Accounting, Taxation and Company Secretarial Services. We have the experience, the expertise and the quality to take you and your company to the next level. Our corporate motto: “always business friendly” lays the foundation and cornerstone in ensuring consistent and high quality services to our clients.
“UniPacific 是一家历史悠久信誉良好的企业。这么多年以来我都非常满意你们的服务质量与态度。祝UniPacific 大展宏图, 生意兴隆。”
Cindy Loy
“Peter Phang and his team at UniPacific are dependable, professionals and provide a first class service. They have helped us register a trademark for our company’s brand and we have also appointed them as our company secretary. Working with them has been a dream as they are very professional in their services, prompt, courteous and always deliver in what they say they will in a timely manner.”
Cooper Huang
“UniPacific supported me with comprehensive & professional advise,experienced and quality services. They are very dedicated, committed yet friendly.”
Ken Lui
“瀚洋认真、友善地负责每一项工作和任务,尽职尽责让我的账目清楚且一目了然, 非常满意其专业服务。”
Leong Seen Heng
“I am pleased with the service provided by UniPacific for its prompt response in terms of reminders on key deadlines for tax and company secretarial related matters. It provides high quality and attention to detailed works for a reasonable fee.”
A. Amarnanarif Alangsyah
“Your passion of integrity towards your professionalism and social responsibility is inspiring. Your willingness to share & guidance is always helpful to us both in business & personal. Thank you and nice to have your amazing service!”
Joshua Lee
“I was lucky to meet real professionals and friends in my business – they are Peter Phang and Ann Har and all the dedicated employees of UniPacific. Thank you for your daily support and practical advice that walked me through my business growth!”
Tang JianBin
“UniPacific is sincere in its dealings, good and timely in communicating and swiftly responded to any issues I faced. A definite thumbs up!”
Ben Ibrahim
“数易春秋,风华正茂; 几载耕耘,硕果累累。值此 UniPacific 瀚洋公司26周年之际,恭祝瀚洋公司在Peter Phang 与Ann Har的领导下继往开来, 勇攀高峰; 在新的征途中再谱新篇!”
Kent Wong